Stewardship Resources
Canticle of the Creatures
In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis invites us all to:
‘work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted to us.’
Laudato Si’ discusses the damage being inflicted on the Earth by humans and calls on ‘every person living on this planet’ to make urgent changes to our lifestyles and how we consume energy in order to protect the planet. It deals with many environmental issues including pollution; climate change; water; loss of biodiversity and decline in the quality of human life. In his letter Pope Francis implores us to work together to create a better world for future generations and asks us to make the necessary changes in our lives in order to take care of, respect and value our ‘common home’.
As a school community, we have decided that striving for ambitious, well-rounded citizens of this ‘Common home’ that we share, is not enough. Our pupils need to be responsive to the needs of our world and start acting on the words of Pope Francis in his letter to us in 2015- Laudato Si’.
“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue;
it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.”
Pope Francis, Laudato Si’
We know that through small-step actions, we can participate in this shared mission to protect and enjoy the world. We are all stewards and therefore have to be proactive in our local communities. We believe that once we start putting these beliefs into practice at home and at school- through actions such as recycling and switching off lights, that we can start to recognise wider issues in the world that put our Common Home at risk.
Eco-councillors will be elected from each year group. They will work as a committee to become increasingly educated on the issues in our local area and school premises. The Eco-council coordinator will work with children in these meetings to educate on a range of topics covered in Laudato Si’. Children in all years will be made aware of new initiatives through Ecocouncil ambassador led assemblies on a termly basis. These assemblies will also link to the British Values so children aren’t missing valuable input on these.
Parents will be informed of Eco related endeavours via the School website and weekly newsletter. This will ensure that all members of the school community are working together for the Common Good and for our Common Home. Priorities for our school community will be discussed by councillors and classes and these will be inputted into an action plan which will be evaluated termly.
All members of the school community will be more aware of the environmental issues that arise as a result of our choices both at school and at home. They will be able to articulate this, shining a light on their understanding of Laudato Si’ and what it means to be citizens of this world that was created by God.
“The earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship.
We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.” Pope John Paul II