Inclusion Quality Mark | IQM Inclusive School Award

We are delighted to announce that Our Lady Immaculate Primary School has been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM).

This is a standard for assessing schools against a nationally recognised framework on inclusion. It contains eight elements, all practical parts of the life of a school, which deal with inclusion in its widest sense and in all aspects of school life. The one day assessment included meetings with SLT, parents, pupils, support staff, pastoral support staff  and governors.

Below are some of the highlights of our report:

Element 1 – The Inclusion Values and Practices of the School


  • A strong ethos with strong Catholic values underpin everything that is carried out within the school
  • Relationships between staff are excellent and pupils feel cared for and supported in their learning
  • Children enjoy their time in school and consequently attendance is excellent
  • The leadership of the Headteacher and SLT ensures all staff have similar inclusive aspirations for the school
  • The provision of the Ark at the beginning and start of the school day which provides children with a reassuring and fun start to the day and provides working parents with welcome child care

Element 2 – The Learning Environment, Resources and ICT


  • The excellent school website that provides visitors and parents with an excellent overview of the school
  • The slogans, mottos and photographs around the school which provide children with the will to succeed
  • The high quality and consistency of display in classrooms and shared areas which show a balance between celebrating children’s work and providing a focus for learning

Element 3 – Learning Attitudes, Values and Personal Development


  • The leadership opportunities offered to all Y6 children to help develop them personally and emotionally which they take very seriously
  • The effective targeting of additional funding to support vulnerable children
  • The commitment and high expectations of all staff to ensure that children have a positive learning experience
  • The good provision mapping ensuring children who need additional support are given every opportunity to succeed
  • The school council, prefect system, anti-bullying ambassadors and eco leaders which allows children to develop confidence and leadership skills and a freedom to improve their school environment
  • The Pastoral Lead provides good support for individuals and groups of children to support their wellbeing and liaises well with parents.

Element 4 – Learner Progress and the Impact on Learning


  • The tracking procedures and related pupil progress meetings which constantly review provision for individual pupils
  • Children start well in the EYFS and make good progress throughout KS1 and KS2 using a wide variety of stimulating learning activities
  • The work ethic of the children, their good behaviour, friendliness and politeness which impacts on their engagement with their school work
  • The performance management processes which focus on pupil attainment and progress and supportive training for all staff
  • Support staff are valued and play a large part in supporting the good progress of children

Element 5 – Learning and Teaching (Monitoring)


  • The children have an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum which stimulates their interests on a range of topics
  • The good/outstanding teaching which ensures children present their work to a high standard
  • Disadvantaged children achieve well due to excellent use of additional funding

Element 6 – Parents, Carers and Guardians


  • The results of the parental questionnaire which demonstrates an overwhelming satisfaction with the school
  • The high level of engagement with parents to improve the chances of all children
  • The Friends Association and its contribution socially and financially to the school

Governing Body and Management


  • The links with the local schools in the CAT and with primary schools in Chelmsford generally
  • The close links with the church and its Catholic values
  • The strong leadership of the Headteacher, her accessibility, her commitment to inclusion and improving the opportunities for all children and her exceptional performance during her first year of Headship, leading from the front in the face of covid restrictions
  • The leadership of the Chair of Governors in ensuring that the school is supported and challenged and her commitment to governors coming into school to monitor the curriculum

Element 8 – The School in the Community


  • The focus on other faiths which offers children a broad and balanced view of the world
  • The strong links with the local Catholic church which encourages respect and a deep understanding of Catholicism
  • The visitors to the school from local community services and organisations to enhance topic work
  • The support for local and national charities and the involvement of the children in raising funds for children less fortunate than themselves

It you would like to read the whole report, please click here.

Our Lady Immaculate Achieves Inclusive School Award